
Computing and Understanding Representation Varieties Efficiently

Conference: CURVE-2017

Dates: August 7-11, 2017
Location: University of Maryland, College Park

Details to appear.

Conference: CURVE-2015

Dates: June 22-26, 2015
Location: Institute de Mathématique de Jussieu

This conference focuses on representation varieties of 3-manifold groups, special coordinates from triangulations, and aspects of efficient computation. Talks will focus on general theory of representation varieties, geometric structures, computational techniques, and applications in quantum topology. In addition, there will be a series of mini courses on SnapPy, geometric structures, and on special coordinates from triangulations.

REU project: 3-manifolds, triangulations, and volume computations.

Dates: July 9 - August 1, 2014
Location: Maryland

The purpose of this project is to systematically search for examples of a conjecture due to Walter Neumann, which states that the volume of a boundary-unipotent representation of a 3-manifold group in PGL(n,C) is a linear combination of hyperbolic volumes. The project is part of an REU project at Maryland and involves two students: Stephen Gilles (Maryland) and Peter Huston (Otterbein). A project description can be found here and data can be found here.